Privy Chat​

Privy is private messaging app for your family and friends. Think of it as messaging without aggravation and social media without strangers. Features include: double-opt in (you have to invite people and they have to agree), no advertising, no third-party access, and no algorithm. In other words, your family and friends can easily, securely, and privately share messages, pictures, videos, and links.

Privy Chat

Android, Ios, Backend

Privy is private messaging app for your family and friends. Think of it as messaging without aggravation and social media without strangers. Features include: double-opt in (you have to invite people and they have to agree), no advertising, no third-party access, and no algorithm. In other words, your family and friends can easily, securely, and privately share messages, pictures, videos, and links.

Technical Stack:

Android- Kotlin
Backend - JAVA ( Spring Boot )
iOS - Swift
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